
Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Didn't Get Lost!

No. I didn't get lost in cyberspace. When I last posted I was getting ready for the quilt show. I had 2 quilts to get ready and had a strict sewing schedule to make it in time. Life threw me a curve ball and ended up being in the hospital for the better part of the week. Needless to say the quilts weren't finished! However, I'm almost done my 2 entries for our next quilt show in 2 years Ha Ha!!!

I did manage to get to the show on the last day for a quick peek. It was like sensory overload! So many beautiful quilts. Regretfully I didn't get pictures, but Joanne from Thread Head has quite a few on her blog! There were a few classes being held at the quilt show, along with a banquet and trunk show with guest speaker Harriet Hargrave. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take part in all the fun. Most disappointing was not being able to take the class with Anna Hergert that I had signed up for. I did manage, however,  to sneak into the classroom during their lunch and see what they had been up to. The work was amazing! The class was called Layers Of  Intrigue and everyone said it was the best class they had ever taken. I even got to meet Anna. She was an absolutely delightful person. Even though her lunch was getting cold, she showed me all her quilts, explained some of the techniques and gave me free reign to call or email her with any questions on her techniques! Truly a generous soul! I'm hoping to make it out to her studio this summer. Check out her website, you will be inspired. She also did a blogpost  that shows my favorite quilt at the show, her student's work and photos of her Winnipeg visit.

I feel the need to do some decluttering since coming home. My sewing room is more than a disaster! Hopefully I can get it back in order and on to more quilting!

Happy Stitching


1. Kristie said...

Hope you are feeling better, Corina!

I managed to make it to the quilt show for a bit on first time ever there! I really enjoyed it. The skill level on some of the quilts (well, all of them!) was unbelievable. Very inspiring.

2. Joanne said...

I was really glad that you were able to make it to the quilt show (I just missed you).
Anna's slide show of Winnipeg is lovely. Her work is amazing!

3. Roslyn said...

I am passing to you an award that recognizes your blog for "

"excellent, beautiful, humorous, or sparkling work"!
Check email for details.