It has been super busy here lately, and will get much worse over the next week! I am going to be a Grandma sometime in the next 2 weeks!!!!! Happy Dance!!!! My daughter is due the 21st and I will be flying out to be with her. I'm sure you will all be sad for me when I tell you she lives in Athens, Greece. I know, I know, you have to do what you have to do. If it means I have to spend 3 weeks in Greece that is the sacrifice I will have to make. The quilt top you see is a gift for her Mom and Dad In Laws. I am quilting that tomorrow. Now I need to make a baby quilt by next Wednesday too. It's not totally my fault that the baby quilt isn't made yet. You see, dear daughter could not decide on what colors she wanted. As an excited grandma I bought several cute panels, border prints, cutesy prints etc. And what has she decided that she wants..................modern in grey, white and a touch of yellow. I guess I will be making many colorful primary baby quilts in the future. The new fabric purchases for the baby quilt are these.

And now for some Kitty pictures. Here is Honey. Turns out she had been eating my feral cat's food for a couple of weeks. We caught her and found out she was 12 and originally from one of the shelters. We decided to foster her for them as no owners could be found. She was skinny at just over 6lbs and had many abscessed teeth. A total of 17 teeth were removed. She was in so much pain that even under general anesthesia her jaw was chattering and they had to give her needles on top of it. Here she is 2 lbs heavier, happy and showing how well she matches our rug.
Camouflage Cat! perfect match |
Several weeks around such a gentle creature who never hissed or scratched even though she was in tremendous pain and the result was inevitable. WE ARE A FOSTER FAIL!Welcome home Honey!
Happy Stitching
WOW congratulations on the upcoming new baby, GRANDMA!!! And on the trip - poor you, having to go to Greece - I feel so bad for your sacrifice, but a grandma has to do what a grandma has to do :)
Honey is a beauty - people who rescue animals get a special place in heaven, and love from a wonderful critter :) I'm about as sad for your foster fail, as I am for your *forced* upcoming trip - you must be walking around with a big old frown on your face ;)
the quilt is amazing. The kitty so cute. congrats on becoming a Grandma soon. Have a safe and wonderful trip to Greece. Try not to get too much sun!
Congrats on the foster cat failure.. Bravo well done. How do your dogs like their feline sibling? Also big, big news on the grandchild in Greece. Of course my heart aches for you having to travel to Athens for the arrival. Happy travels... you are blessed!
Lovely story about rescuing Honey! Amazing people like you make the world a better place to be! And feeding ferals too! What a woman! And on top of all that, a fabulous quilter...I love the circle fabrics you have in your new modern yellow quilt line up! Can't wait yo see what you whip up!
I’m writing from Sew Sisters Quilt Shop in Toronto.
We are running our second Blogathon Canada in November this year with a new line up of hosts and sponsors!
This is a weeklong blog hop of Canadian Quilting Blogs from across the country.
You will find more details here:
Please take a look and let me know if you’d like your blog to be added to the list that the host blogger from Manitoba will have on her post.
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