
Saturday, February 18, 2012

26, 26, 26 and FNSI Results

 "26, 26, 26", that's what is going over and over in my head. Why or what is 26 you might ask? It's the number of UFO's I have!!! I'm going to make a UFO page on my blog later this week so that everyone can see how much progress (or lack of) I will have made this year! The following picture is of a quilt I'm making for my daughter's 18th birthday. Oh, and by the way, she celebrated her 30th last year (glad I made you feel better about your own UFOs).
As tempting as it was to finish my daughter's quilt, I decided to work on something else for the FNSI. After all, what's a few more months added onto 12 years? I really need to get Moody Blues done. It's going to be my entry into our guilds quilt show in April. The small drunkard's path blocks were sewn together last night and I started joining the blocks together. There was a design dilemma part way through the evening so progress was halted.
With a little more sewing time left, I started on my blocks for the charm square challenge. It's not very interesting at the moment, but I think it will turn out well. I'm not revealing my idea for it until it's further along.
So that was my night. Now I have to check out what everyone else accomplished!

Happy Stitching


1. Bev said...

LOL...I hate UFO's.. I usually throw them away:(...I am trying to 'quilt'... grrr I am ready to throw is a lot of work..and fussy work!

2. Impera Magna said...

Okay.... I feel better about my UFOs... and since I've only been quilting for 2 yrs, I think my nine UFOs may equal your 26!


I have to say having a list of one's UFOs is helpful to keep my nose to the grindstone!

3. Joanne said...

Your daughter's quilt is great, and the Moody Blues one is amazing!! Your colour choices are always the best!! Good luck with your UFO's

4. Sue Daurio said...

LOL about the birthday quilt, you know she really does need a birthday quilt :) But both of them are so pretty. I LOVE the Moody Blues, great design and colors for that one.

5. Karen said...

Good idea to list your UFO's. I should do the same; likely have about the same amount as you.
Amazing pieces you're working on! Waaay beyond what I could ever do. Wow!

6. Fiona said...

hello... popping over from FNSI list... your quilts are inspirational - I am soooo glad you have got them out and working on them.. they will be just fantastic done..

7. wendy said...

Love the colors in V's Birthday Quilt....can't wait to see it done. How's the cold?