
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

CHARM Squares!!

I love these charm squares!

I'm participating in 2 charm square exchange/challenges at the same time (because I don't have enough unfinished projects!!). These are the 144 charms for the first one with the SFX quilt group. You are challenged to make anything you want, adding as many fabrics from your stash as you need. The top has to be completed by the June quilt group meeting, and it has to be completely finished for the Christmas windup. So far, I've only arranged them in groups of color. I need to cut more from my stash to CAN"T DECIDE!!!  Hopefully I can make up my mind before June hits! For now I'm like a kid with a new box of crayons.
The second exchange with Manitoba Prairie Quilters guild is similar, except you must make a lap quilt (adding lights from your stash) which will be donated to the ABC program (quilts made for adults, babies and children and distributed to a variety of organizations). I won't get those squares until next week.

Let's see............So far this year I've committed to make a quilt for Victoria's Quilts, one for Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation center, 2 charm square challenges, joined a UFO challenge online, joined another UFO challenge with the guild, joined the FMQ challenge and it's only the beginning of February. I think I better get going on some sewing!!

Happy Stitching


1. canuckquilter said...

Love your new box of crayons. It sounds like you have a pretty full year of sewing planned already. Enjoy!

2. Marie-José H said...

I wonder what you are going to sew.

3. a good yarn said...

You haven't got time for blogging! Better get cracking on all those super quilts. Lovely charm squares. ann :-)

4. Sandra :) said...

Yummy colours - rich and luscious (especially the browns on the top right) - you'll have fun deciding what to make!

5. Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I love the rainbowy-ness of your charm squares!! :o)