
Saturday, December 10, 2011

My FNSI Results

 Last week I started a wall quilt from Gloria Loughman's book "Quilted Symphony". I love her work. Hopefully one day I can see her quilts in person. My version of her quilt is in browns and greys. I finished sewing around the circles. There are a few more sections to be done, but that will probably have to wait until after Christmas!
Love the purple/green combination
Don't forget to enter my giveaway! Just click here!
Happy Stitching,


1. Brenda said...

I had no idea a book or project like that existed!! This is why I love to see what others are doing - gets me thinking and seeing what I would not of otherwise seen!!

That is one interesting project!!! The more I look at it, the more I am seeing and the more I am liking it!!! Thank-You so much for showing me this!!

2. Joanne said...

You make the coolest things!

3. Marie-José H said...

Oh this is realy special. I love it. Looking forward to see it grow.

4. Peggy said...

Fascinating! Can't wait to see the finish!

5. wendy said...

Another masterpiece!

6. Myra said...

Oh my! Oh my! Love it Corina! So very different! Looking awesome! ;)

7. Joan said...

I do like all the things you have =been up to recently. Your FMQ is getting so good :)

8. Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your version when it's done. So far, I'm really liking it.

9. Linda said...

Your landscape is looking wonderful! Love the brown and grey combo. This is something I would like to try. Thanks for sharing your progress.